Energy Consultations for Households at Risk of Poverty

Energy Education & Capacity Building

An initiative of the City of Vienna that is unique in Europe

Project Facts


Applied Financing Solutions
Public Revenues

Project Dates
Start: 2014
In operation since/from: 2016

The Story

For low income households energy costs, e.g. for electricity, heating and fuel, are often a large financial burden. As part of the City of Vienna‘s initiative to provide on-site energy consultations and implementing customized measures for households at risk of poverty, households receive direct, effective support in reducing their energy consumption over the long term.

This is achieved through offering free advice with tips and suggestions on how simple measures and changes in behaviour can reduce consumption permanently, as well as implementing targeted and customized (investment-based) energy saving measures in affected households. They include, for example, installing a district heating connection, exchanging lighting and inefficient appliances, servicing equipment, insulating windows, installing thermostatic valves, and undertaking necessary repairs.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

This award-winning initiative by the City of Vienna is unique in Europe. Around 150 personal consultations are carried out each year, thereby implementing a large number of targeted energy-saving measures that benefit both people and the climate.

City of Vienna, Austria

Other Involved Stakeholders
die umweltberatung Wien

Contact Mail


Energy Efficiency, Consulting, Awareness Raising, Municipal Initiative