Climate Communication

Klima-Taler Gamification

Saving CO2 pays off

Location: Finland, Germany, Portugal
Submitter: Blacksquared GmbH /

Gotland's Ugliest Lawn

Brown is the new green!

Location: Sweden
Submitter: Region Gotland


Lower Austria's platform for climate action

Location: Austria
Submitter: NÖ Energie- und Umweltagentur GmbH (eNu)

Energy!ahead Mobile App

A city guide to innovative energy projects in Vienna

Location: Austria
Submitter: City of Vienna, Municipal Department 20 - Energy Planning

Forest of the future - growing to cope with climate change

Transforming forests into climate-friendly, species-rich mixed forests by 2100

Location: Austria
Submitter: Austrian Federal Forests


The vision of a European superfast train network

Location: Austria
Submitter: Verein zur Erhaltung des Guten Tons

Rio Negro Partnership

Political, financial and in-kind support for indigenous peoples protecting the rain forest

Location: Brazil
Submitter: Klimabündnis Österreich

For Forest – The Voice for Trees

Attracting attention and creating solutions to challenge the climate crisis

Location: Austria
Submitter: For Forest Forever GmbH

Climate Culture Pavilion

An installation that presents a future model for cooling urban spaces

Location: Austria
Submitter: Breathe Earth Collective

The Human Face of Climate Change

A series of environmental portraits from around the world

Location: Switzerland
Submitter: Braschler/Fischer

ERDBÄR #Worldchanger

Sustainable fashion brand with a mission

Location: Austria
Submitter: Worldchanger GmbH & CoKG

Stop Land Use Campaign

“Soilless makes breadless, futureless, unemployed...”

Location: Austria
Submitter: Österreichische Hagelversicherung VVaG


Austria's largest governmental climate initiative

Location: Austria
Submitter: Management of klimaaktiv

Brigantes – Sail-powered Shipping

Restauration of a historic tall ship to be used for low-emission transportation of organic products

Location: Austria, Italy
Submitter: Sail-powered Shipping GmbH