Cities & Regions

Heating and cooling with ice storage systems

An innovative energy system in residential housing

Location: Germany
Submitter: Hallmann Corporate Group as owner of SÜBA AG

Klima-Taler Gamification

Saving CO2 pays off

Location: Finland, Germany, Portugal
Submitter: Blacksquared GmbH /

Polar Night Energy's Sand Battery

Sand battery stores renewable energy and produces clean heat

Location: Finland
Submitter: Polar Night Energy

Austrian Green Planet Building®

Worldwide sustainable building "Made in Austria"

Location: Austria,
Submitter: pulswerk GmbH

Circular Solutions in Construction

Innovative recycling and reuse in the construction industry

Location: Austria
Submitter: Holcim Österreich

Climate Change Center

Addressing the climate crisis by promoting green cities

Location: Poland
Submitter: Climate Change Center - Centrum Zmian Klimatu

LISA Tulln

On-demand and Green Mobility

Location: Austria
Submitter: Federal Government of Lower Austria and the City of Tulln

3D Concrete Printing

Bringing the digital revolution to the construction industry for more sustainable and affordable infrastructure

Location: Austria, Malawi
Submitter: Holcim Austria - Urban Cycling Academy

Association to support safety and speed in urban cycling

Location: Austria

IKEA Vienna Westbahnhof

New sustainable IKEA city store in Vienna

Location: Austria

Paris-Vorderwald model region

Vorderwald households strived to meet the Paris climate goals

Location: Austria
Submitter: Klima- und Energiefonds

Space Climate Observatory

Satellite-based Earth-observation to monitor climate change

Submitter: UNOOSA


Smart, self-sustainable and mobile fully equipped micro-home

Location: Bahamas, Costa Rica, Japan, Slovakia, Switzerland, United States
Submitter: Ecocapsule Ltd.

Strohboid Pavilions

Ultralightweight design follows the force of gravity and the natural flexibility of wood

Location: Austria
Submitter: Strohboid

Smarter Together Vienna

Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts. A Horizon 2020 project together with Munich and Lyon

Location: Austria
Submitter: City of Vienna (Dpt. Technical Urban Renewal)

Österreich radelt

Collecting bike-kilometers to save the environment and win prices

Location: Austria
Submitter: Die Radvokaten Wien

City of Cyclists

World's most bike-friendly city

Location: Denmark
Submitter: Source: The City of Copenhagen, VisitDenmark

Sustainable Housing

Affordable housing - in climate-friendly and energy-efficient buildings

Location: Austria
Submitter: HALLMANN HOLDING International Investment GmbH

Zero Carbon Resorts

Towards sustainable development of the tourism sector in the Philippines and Thailand

Location: Philippines, Thailand
Submitter: Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)

Mayors for Climate: Carbon Neutral 2050

Subnational initiative of the CC35, chaired by the Mayor of Santiago

Location: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela
Submitter: Ciudades Capitales de las Américas frente al Cambio Climático (CC35)

Braking Energy Recuperation for Subway Stations

Increasing energy efficiency in Vienna’s public transport system

Location: Austria
Submitter: Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG

Climate Culture Pavilion

An installation that presents a future model for cooling urban spaces

Location: Austria
Submitter: Breathe Earth Collective

Climate and Energy Model Regions

An Austrian blueprint for a successful bottom-up approach in the field of climate change and energy

Location: Austria
Submitter: Climate and Energy Fund

Sustainable House Refurbishment

Eco-efficient materials and renewable energy solutions

Location: Austria
Submitter: Private project by Bernhard Scharinger

Vertical Forest

The first prototype of building entirely covered with plants

Location: Italy
Submitter: Stefano Boeri Architetti

Augmentation of Mahiyanganaya Water Supply Project

Design and construction of a water treatment plant

Location: Sri Lanka
Submitter: MUT Maschinen-Umwelttechnik-Transportanlagen GmbH

WADI – Sustainable Water Disinfection

A climate project to provide safe water access and reduce CO2 emissions

Location: Bangladesh
Submitter: HELIOZ GmbH

The “Vienna Model”: 365 Days of Unlimited Public Mobility

Increasing the use of public transport by introducing an attractive pricing model

Location: Austria
Submitter: City of Vienna

1 Million Solar Roofs Initiative

A California clean energy milestone

Location: United States
Submitter: USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy

Demo Composting Plant Oran

Combining zero waste with energy efficiency and capacity building

Location: Algeria
Submitter: R20 Regions of Climate Action

Waste-to-energy Hybrid Facility

A private sector contribution to sustainable solid waste management

Location: Philippines
Submitter: IUT GmbH - Innovation. Umwelt. Technologie

Mumbai Solid Waste Treatment Plant

Waste management and new solutions for the Indian metropolis

Location: India
Submitter: Compost Systems GmbH

Mwenga Hydro & Rural Electrification

An integrated, renewable energy infrastructure project to supply rural households and businesses

Location: Tanzania
Submitter: Rift Valley Energy Ltd

Solar Cooling and Hot Water for Nicaragua's Largest Hospital

A lighthouse project for the promotion of solar cooling in Central America

Location: Nicaragua
Submitter: S.O.L.I.D. Gesellschaft für Solarinstallationen und Design mbH

Upgrading Municipal Water Infrastructure in South Africa

Promoting market-based deployment of clean energy technology solutions in municipal waterworks

Location: South Africa
Submitter: REEEP/UNIDO

Quinto Centenario Cycle Avenue

Supporting the mobility transformation in Bogotá

Location: Colombia
Submitter: C40 Cities Finance Facility


A mobile plug & play solar power plant and energy storage for remote, off-grid areas

Location: Mali, Niger
Submitter: Africa GreenTec AG